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Oven Deep Cleaning is a professional service aimed at the thorough cleaning and restoration of your single oven. During this service, experts perform a deep cleaning of all parts of the oven, including both internal and external surfaces, door glass, racks, and other components.

The process includes the following stages:

1. Preliminary Assessment: Specialists inspect your oven to assess the degree of dirtiness and identify potential issues.

2. Dismantling Accessories: Removable parts such as racks and trays are removed for a more thorough cleaning.

3. Application of Professional Cleaning Agents: Specialized cleaning agents are used to effectively break down grease, stains, and residue, ensuring a safe and high-quality cleaning process.

4. Cleaning of Internal Surfaces: Internal walls, ceiling, and floor of the oven are meticulously cleaned from grease and food remnants.

5.Cleaning of Glass Surfaces: Glass oven doors undergo a particularly thorough cleaning to restore transparency.

6.Cleaning of External Surfaces: External parts of the oven are wiped and cleaned from dust and dirt.

7.Reassembly and Inspection: After completing the process, the oven is reassembled, and its functionality is checked.

This service not only helps maintain cleanliness in your kitchen but also enhances the oven's efficiency and extends its service life.


Oven Deep Cleaning

PriceFrom €75.00

Gift for first order

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